Manuka Honey and Hemp Oil

Buzzstop has partnered with Hey Hemp Co. to produce New Zealand's first commercially available blend of premium Manuka Honey blended with full spectrum Hemp Oil.

We bottle our 'Hemp Honey' in 150 gm glass jars - with 150 drops of Hemp Oil added to each jar.  By consuming 1/2 teaspoon of honey per day you also get your optimal dose of 5 drops of full spectrum Hemp Oil.   Makes consuming your daily dose of a hemp oil a delicious tasting pleasure.....for those that don't like dropping oil under their tongue.

On Sale

premium Manuka Honey blended with full spectrum Hemp Oil

Hemp Honey

$50.00 $65.00

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Would you like the Buzzstop to source honey for your business to sell Internationally?

Please contact us by subscribing here, and we will be in touch.  Alternatively call Nick or Rosie on 021942808 or from overseas +6421932808

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