Manuka Honey Farm Tour in Queenstown New Zealand

Buzzstop offers a range of fun, hands-on, Tours & Experiences all year round.

Honey Spinning

A hands-on, fun and educational experience for all ages. Learn about Bees and Bee Hives, then get sticky with this interactive, hands-on activity

Honey & Cheese Tasting

Like wine tasting, but with Honey. Enjoy a selection of premium Manuka honey & artisan honeys from all corners of New Zealand.


Hands -on-fun for all ages. Make a selection of beeswax wraps, Candles & honey soap. Create your own masterpieces from natural ingredients.

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Would you like the Buzzstop to source honey for your business to sell Internationally?

Please contact us by subscribing here, and we will be in touch.  Alternatively call Nick or Rosie on 021942808 or from overseas +6421932808

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